Saturday 3 April 2021

20 Healing Soup Recipes That Will Be Practically Appealing to Your Weekday Tables It alone becomes the star of the table: juicy noodle with tomato paste recipe

20 Healing Soup Recipes That Will Be Practically Appealing to Your Weekday Tables

Even if cooking is your biggest passion, we can understand you from time to time on weekdays. The tiredness and rush of the whole day come home with you, unfortunately, you cannot leave them outside the door. But don't worry, you are not alone. We all experience such busy, tiring days As a solution, we recommend our soups that will support you with both practicality and healing. All of them are almost the power of the main meal, all of them take far less time than preparing food, and most importantly, all of them add vigour to your body and drive you away from fatigue.

There are no big tables every evening, my dear, sometimes a bowl of soup is enough. 

1. A table without it would be unthinkable: the recipe for flour soup

Flour Soup Recipe

Flour soup is a soup form of creating giant flavours with less ingredients. It passes warmly and gently through the throat. It is the best friend of the sore throat because it does not contain any of them:

Makes one of the most budget-friendly soups: Flour soup recipe

2. So yummy: Tarhana soup with mince

Tarhana Soup with Minced Meat Recipe

We will not be able to explain at length how healing tarhana soup is because you already know. Our aim, this time, is to show how it goes well with minced meat.

We said it wouldn't look like the main dish: Tarhana soup with mince

3. For the sake of healing: easy sick soup recipe

Easy Sick Soup Recipe

In fact, his name tells everything, he restores the bodies that become sensitive and heal in these weather, with a bowl, he prepares easily and writes the book of practicality.

What else to expect from a soup: The easy sick soup recipe

4. Now we leave the word to vegetables: the seasoned vegetable soup recipe

Seasoned Vegetable Soup Recipe

We say healing, do vegetables ever fall outside of these recipes? They ran, came, thanks. Together, they signed a soup-like misler.

Nourish, Satiate: Seasoned Vegetable Soup Recipe

5. How easy: Broccoli soup recipe

Broccoli soup recipe

Maybe you don't even let broccoli into your home, but you actually make a big mistake. Putting aside its benefits, it is a vegetable that cooks so fast that you can catch its practicality from the most delicious one.

Love him: Broccoli soup recipe

6. Creamy is also easy to prepare: Creamy broccoli soup recipe

Creamy Broccoli Soup Recipe

Let's make broccoli soup, but if you say it looks like what we drink on the outside, we can take you towards broccoli soup, which we add consistency to its consistency with cream and fold its flavour.

Oh, viscous: Creamy broccoli soup recipe

7. Now we leave the cream aside: Mushroom soup with milk recipe

Mushroom Soup with Milk Recipe

Broccoli, we gave it creamy so that it would pass through everyone's throats somehow, but now we leave that cream in our hands. Because we can catch legendary flavours by using milk instead of cream, which is identified with mushroom soup.

Moreover, it's healthier: Mushroom soup with milk recipe

8. Are those who trap the healing here: Ginger pumpkin soup recipe

Ginger Pumpkin Soup Recipe

As soon as the weather starts to cool, sensitive bodies that are healing need healing at least as strong as their sensitivity. Then we call the zucchini and ginger on duty.

Getting our health instantly: Ginger pumpkin soup recipe

9. Yes, it is true that we use milk: Tomato soup with milk recipe

Milk Tomato Soup Recipe

Maybe you have never tried tomato soup, which contains all the benefits of tomatoes, with milk. But once you try it, you will always want to do it like this again.

A little thyme on top: Tomato soup with milk

10. So let's take the basil like this: The recipe for tomato soup with basil

Tomato Soup with Basil Recipe

If we decided to diversify the tomato soup, then let's buy basil like this. Thanks to basil, which will be good for both throat and stomach with its fresh flavour.

They look great: Tomato Soup Recipe with Basil

11. From the healing spice: Spicy potato soup recipe

Spicy Potato Soup Recipe

We combined the satiety of potatoes with the healing spices. We have created a delicious flavour that will take the leading role on the tables in a short time.

You want to keep your recipe secret: Spicy Potato Soup Recipe

12. From your favourite place: The restaurant-style lentil soup recipe

Restaurant Style Lentil Soup

If there's a place where you go just to drink bowls of lentil soup, you'll love this restaurant-style lentil soup. Because it will be exactly the same as the soup in that favourite place.

Because sometimes you don't want to leave the house: restaurant-style lentil soup recipe

13. No way to sickness: Noodle soup recipe

Vermicelli Soup Recipe

You have noticed from the beginning of the list, our aim is not only to add convenience to the tables with practical soup recipes but also to add resistance to our body and to protect against diseases in this weather.

Here is one of the best suited for this purpose: Tel noodle soup recipe

14. Yoghurt soup lovers: Yoghurt soup recipe with vermicelli

Noodle Yogurt Soup Recipe

If you are one of those who like to include the unique taste and sourness of yoghurt in their soups, approach it. This practical flavour, which will take you 5 minutes to prepare and 15 minutes to cook, is so delicious that you will not get tired if you drink it every day.

Kaşıklarca: Noodle Yogurt Soup Recipe

15. Don't be afraid of being seasoned: Chicken soup with seasoned vegetables

Recipe for Chicken Soup with Seasoned Vegetables

Some people hesitate to make seasoned soup because it is serious business to do the seasoning without the trouble of cutting. But do not have any worries, you will not even think about whether the seasoning will be stopped while making this soup. Why?

Let's get you to the recipe immediately for our explanation: Chicken soup with seasoned vegetables.

16. To Your Health: Pumpkin Winter Soup Recipe

Winter Pumpkin Soup Recipe

This soup, which is healthy even in its colour, will not only be an answer to your quest for practical soup but will also make your bodies tired of drinking lentil soup happy with its difference.

One more bowl: winter soup with zucchini recipe

17. Or have you still not tried it with milk: Cauliflower soup recipe with milk?

Cauliflower Soup with Milk Recipe

Those kids who didn't eat cauliflower when they were young grew up and became addicted to cauliflower. This made us happy the most, but ... We heard that there are recipes that you still haven't evaluated.

For example, you should meet him right away: Cauliflower soup with milk recipe

18. Love Asparagus: Recipe for Asparagus Soup

Asparagus Soup Recipe

Asparagus was a vegetable used for medicinal purposes in Ancient Egypt. Then it would not be to stay away from him, not to give him a role in any meal.

Get the asparagus ready, here we go: Asparagus soup recipe

19. For those who smell egg scent: Egg-free highland soup recipe

Egg Free Yayla Soup Recipe

We have found the most delicious and vicious way to prepare the plateau soup, which is one of the soups made with eggs in general, without eggs for those who do not like the smell of eggs and those with an egg allergy.

Now it's your turn: Egg-free highland soup recipe

20. Here is a complete main dish: A recipe for juicy noodles with tomato paste and onion.

Juicy Noodle With Onion Paste Recipe

A complete grandmother recipe, the meeting point of practicality and taste is juicy noodles. When it comes to a little Tulum cheese on top of it, no other meal is needed one after the other.

It alone becomes the star of the table: juicy noodle with tomato paste recipe



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