Saturday 3 April 2021

17. Bowl Bowl Drinking: Cauliflower Soup with Milk Recipe

 Bowl Drinking: Cauliflower Soup with Milk Recipe

You sit in front of the window and watch the snow falling like poetry outside, or the raindrops hitting the window. This is the best part of winter. But in the background you will feel cold and drenched in the cold, return home. The body breaks down from the disease. These are the harsh truths of winter.

In that cold, your body looks for something that will warm you up. Soups and teas grow to your rescue. Drink classic soups too, you will get bored to a certain extent. When you are looking for a difference, you come across a beauty that is more beautiful than winter and warmer than a heating system: Cauliflower soup with milk.

Blending the softness of milk with the delicious flavour of cauliflower, this soup is your salvation. You add another beautiful new memory to the winter with every drink.

What are you waiting for? Lift the lid of the pot for a yummy moment, make a run of cauliflower soup with milk.

FOR HOW MANY PERSON            PREPARATION TIME                            COOKING TIME

 for 4 people                                         15 minutes                                                25 minutes

Ingredients for Milk Cauliflower Soup Recipe

  • 1 medium cauliflower
  • 2.5 glasses of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons of salt

Tip of Cauliflower with Milk Soup Recipe

Stir your soup periodically against the overflow of milk. If you think the consistency is too dark, add milk or water to balance it.

How to Make Cauliflower Soup with Milk ?

  1. Separate the cauliflowers into their flowers and wash them well.

  2. Peel the garlic and cut it into small pieces.

  3. Take the butter and garlic in a saucepan. Lightly sauté.

  4. Then add the cauliflower and mix. Saute the cauliflowers for a few minutes.

  5. Add milk and water to it, stir and let it cook.

  6. When the cauliflowers soften, remove from heat. Mash it with the help of a hand blender and get a smooth consistency.

  7. Then add salt and pepper and boil for a few more minutes to get consistency.

  8. Take it in serving bowls and consume it hot. Enjoy your meal.

Serving Suggestion of Cauliflower with Milk Soup Recipe

You can serve it by sprinkling black pepper or some chives on it.


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