Wednesday 7 April 2021

How to Obtain Good Habits? how to practice good habits?

How to Obtain Good Habits? how to practice good habits?

As it is known, good habits are attitudes that do not harm the person, on the contrary, give a lot. Aristotle once said, “Actually, we are what we do over and over again. Perfection is not an act but a habit. ”He said.

 The question is: if he develops good habits, how do you treat them?

There are many reasons for not having good habits, but rather people perceiving you as a bad person. One of them is that we distance ourselves from changing too often. This is because we love to stay where we are. whatever you want out of life, but you have to give yourself an opportunity to get things started.

You need good habits to be successful, to do more in life, and to have a sense of satisfaction. And it doesn't come easy to people.

You may hear some people say that doing things for 20 days will make it a habit. In all honesty, this is not working at all. To create good habits, you need motivation, a good plan, and a thoughtful approach to follow it.

Here are five tips that will work for you.

  • Be Planned and Organized to Have Good Habits
  • Set Main Goals
  • Always Think Positive and Positive
  • Eliminate Extra Options
  • Reward Yourself Healthy Way

Be Planned and Organized to Have Good Habits

Benjamin Franklin had a very innovative plan to overcome his bad habits and create new good habits. He listed 13 ideas that he thought were very useful in his own life. He noted that working on each of them for a week, over a 13-week period, could yield great results. If Franklin felt he had overcome his bad habit, he moved on to the next; if not, he repeated this cycle over and over again.

While spontaneity is the core of an adventurous spirit, it doesn't apply when you begin to adjust to good habits. For the habit to become a habit, you need a properly planned approach. Here are approaches that might work for you.

 Set yourself a "goal" that you want to achieve in a day. Remember that your goal must be specific, realistic, achievable, and time-bound.

Identify habits that will assist you in achieving your goals and that are in sync with your already existing habits.

Try to choose a habit that fits your pre-established daily life so you can adapt more easily.

Find your motivation to complete the goal. Motivation is what you should start with, and habits are what keep you going. 

Set Main Goals

Everyone has heard the slogan "slow and steady wins the race". Setting goals that you can stick to and present with your daily life will not earn you anything bad. It will definitely have benefits over time. It is important to create the right intrinsic motivators. You don't want to do anything because you are being punished or rewarded for it. If you are punished, you will be captive to bad habits. Bad habits are not just about substance use, or having a bad mouth is not speaking rudely. All the negative thoughts of many actually outside of the concept of good habits. While you are doing something, the thoughts of others should not affect you. Instead, you want to do this because you want it yourself. Imagine you decide to lose weight and run 5 miles every day in the morning. Now imagine that you are only making the decision under the pressure of your loved ones. The plan failed even before it started. Set goals and quotas to guide you. So you get the concept of good habits. Here it is:

Goals are the ultimate achievement you want to achieve, just like moving into the classroom.

Goals, like doing your homework regularly every day, there are small steps you need to take to achieve that goal.

Do not bite more than you can chew. If you make unrealistic goals and fail to achieve them, it leaves you with a contagious and negative impact.

Always Think Positive and Positive

Instead of telling you, it can't be done, ask how you can do something. You need positive thoughts and good habits that will help you develop your skills and do more. Having positive thoughts not only results in the first moments of happiness but also improves our ability to develop good habits and acquire skill sets that will help us ahead in life. Just focus on the present and try not to be in the past. Do not worry, you will succeed in being happy by transferring what you call good habits into your life.

Often times, things that worried for days may not even end. Even if they do, you probably can't do anything about it. Why should we adopt good habits so that good habits are unnecessary? We're all going to die, but being like this towards life in response to people who think this way doesn't mean you have to ruin your life. you will ruin your life as you continue to do it Minimize your worries and get rid of negative emotions. Imagine getting good habits all the time, just be positive.

Eliminate Extra Options

Have you ever wondered why Barack Obama only chooses to wear a black and blue suit and doesn't like to buy any other colour? There is a good reason behind this. Describe the aspects of your life that are earthly and do not result in any satisfaction. It was seen in a study in the 1990s. Roy Baumeister, a professor at Florida State University, said that even if the choices you make are not taxed by them, making repetitive choices can prevent you from making smart decisions.

Reward Yourself Healthy Way

Do you remember those days when your mother gave you candy to complete your homework? Of course. Did the thought of taking extra sugar make us confront the worst of math problems? What if we follow the same principle when creating good habits? Bad habits originally developed because they make us feel good even for a short time. When we go through a stressful or annoying time, or when we are just in some sort of disorder, we think it clings to that feeling of happiness. For example, you have decided to start a health regimen, but today is not your day, so you are overly optimistic to make up for the problems of the day, which will make you feel sad the next day. The same goes for smoking or drinking. You cannot reach the notion of good habits within you by using these means.

When you believe that realization will stop doing action soon, you feel at ease and at peace. But when the next bad day comes, your promise to yourself goes crazy. Break this constant cycle to make it easier to adopt good habits. Reward yourself when you make small victories over bad habits. Your reward is to learn a new good habit. In short, something that will benefit you. Show yourself what you love. It can be anything from a new book to a movie, maybe your favourite game.

Invest in yourself. Good habits do not form overnight, but it is a gradual change. You need to make a better gift to relive your life and a change that helps you forget the past for the future. That change is getting good habits.


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