Saturday 3 April 2021

2. So yummy: Tarhana Soup with Minced Meat Recipe

So yummy: Tarhana Soup with Minced Meat Recipe

This time, we add a little protein to the healing store tarhana and add flavour to its flavour. Tarhana, flavoured with pepper and tomato paste, comes to fight all metabolic maladies with a bowl.

If you wish, you can add garlic and onion to strengthen its taste. If you want to try a more intense tarhana soup compared to the regular tarhana recipe, this recipe is just for you. It is time to find healing from the tarhana prepared with care.

Bon appetit!

FOR HOW MANY PERSON            PREPARATION TIME                            COOKING TIME

4 person                                              15 minutes                                              20 minutes   

Ingredients for Minced Tarhana Soup Recipe

  • 100 grams of ground beef (low fat)
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 1 teaspoon tomato paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper paste
  • 1 cup of powdered tarhana
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of mint
  • 6 cups of hot broth (chicken stock)
  • mushroom (optional)

Minced Meat Soup with Tricks of Recipes

    Leave the tarhana powder to dissolve well and mix it occasionally.

How to Make Tarhana Soup with Minced Meat Recipe?

  1. Soak the powdered tarhana in 1 cup of hot broth and mix to dissolve.

  2. Melt the butter and fry the minced meat. If you wish, you can increase the protein ratio with tiny chopped mushrooms at this stage.

  3. Add the spices and salt to the roasted ground meat.

  4. Continue roasting the minced meat along with the tomato paste and pepper paste.

  5. Add the tarhana that you have soaked into the mixture with minced meat paste and add the remaining broth into the mixture. Mix until it boils for 15-20 minutes. That's it. Bon appetit!

Service Suggestion of Minced Tarhana Soup Recipe

   Drink over the soup if you wish; You can burn melted fat flavoured with spices.


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