Friday 2 April 2021

Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) recipes at home.

Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) recipes at home.

Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) is a drug for oral rehydration and detoxification of the body. It helps to restore the water and salt balance, prevent dehydration and renew the intestinal flora. Effective with diarrhoea, toxic infections, significant sports and exercise, overheating. Making ORS at home is very easy if you follow the instructions. A medicine such as ORS should be included in every first aid kit. The use of Isotonic in practice has no restrictions and is suitable for everyone without exception - the elderly, babies and pregnant women.
Ingredients and Cooking Conditions

Fluid loss for the baby is not uncommon, as most childhood diseases occur due to a decrease in appetite and violation of the drinking regime. For diarrheal fever and intestinal infections and viral diseases - ORS will be the best medicine. Isotonic will eliminate the effects of intoxication and restore the water-electrolyte balance in the bloodstream. If the rehydration powder didn't come out at the right time - that's okay. ORS is easy to prepare at home. No special parts are required for this, all the ingredients for the solution can be found in the kitchen.

For self-made Rehydration it will be required:

  • sodium chloride (simple salt),
  • sugar,
  • boiled water

These are the main components of isotonic. Some recipes mention baking soda and glucose, but you can do without them. Preparation of your own solution does not require special sterility, but you should not neglect the purity. Washing hands and dishes, rubbing the table - these are basic requirements for home production.


Homemade ORS Recipes

The baby's response to isotonic can be uncertain, so you should consult a paediatrician before using it. In recent years it was believed that ORS can take babies and babies. Today, the idea has changed and paediatricians are reluctant to write a rehydrating solution for babies up to the age of one. The reason for such attention is the high salt content, whose excess can negatively affect the growing body. Despite this, ORS remains the leader among isotonic in terms of speed and effectiveness. In addition to the drug, it is recommended to take drugs that eliminate the causes of vomiting and diarrhoea. There are many ways to make ORS at home. Consider the most interesting.


The easiest prescription rehydrating drug. Such an isotonic analogue can be made in any situation, even in extreme cases. It is enough to take a glass of water and dissolve 5 g of salt and sugar in it. The solution is unpleasant to the taste, but it eliminates the symptoms of intoxication. ORS is cooked at home according to this recipe, it has a much faster and better effect on the body. 2 teaspoons for its preparation. a teaspoon of sugar sp. Soda and salt diluted in a litre of liquid only. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and taken according to the instructions. This handmade ORS solution is almost identical to the first recipe. 1 tablespoon - needed to dissolve sugar and salt separately. l. Drink one litre of liquid and one sip from another every 10 minutes. time permits, you can make ORS on black raisin water. To do this, 200 g of dried grapes in 1 litre of water are boiled for 15 minutes. Then add 1 tablespoon to the boiled solution. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt and soda. Do not keep such a composition for more than a day in a cool place.


How and how much should you drink the solution?

Isotonic should be consumed in the form of heat. If the child's taste is not pleasant, a small spoon is given every 5 minutes or a syringe without a needle can be used. You cannot add anything to sweeten the finished solution. The daily isotonic dosage depends on the weight of the baby and the intensity of the symptoms. For example, with mild diarrhoea, the daily dose is 30-40 ml/kg of weight. With a heavier picture, ORS volume is increased to 80 ml/kg.


If signs of dehydration occur, it is an emergency to seek medical attention. The composition at home does not help here - the child requires intravenous rehydration. Dehydration symptoms:

  • dry mucous membranes, intense thirst,
  • dark circles under the eyes, sharpening facial features,
  • rare urination
  • the bright colour of urine, sometimes a peculiar smell.

Which solution is better - pharmacy or home?

Both bought and made in the kitchen, ORS is used for one purpose - in conditions accompanied by significant dehydration to maintain the water and electrolyte balance in the blood. However, it is better for the child to use pharmacy isotonic. Pharmaceutical ORS has a richer composition and more effectively copes with the symptoms of intoxication. In addition, the pharmaceutical powder is more accurately balanced with cations and anions, which are especially important for young children. Preparing ORS at home is not difficult, but not as safe as it seems. Incorrect dosage or illiterate intake can worsen the health of a small patient. Also, there are some restrictions on isotonic use. If the child is constantly vomiting, medication should not be given. Contraindications are signs of intestinal obstruction and acute pain in the kidneys. Children are recommended to drink ORS in small portions, but often. It is this isotonic technique that will reduce the occlusion frequency and quickly fill the water and electrolyte deficiency.

Home Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)

Cases of poisoning and diarrhoea are quite common, especially in the spring and summer months. It wouldn't matter if it weren't at hand, it's important to know a few simple recipes for making rehydration preparations at home. If there is no rehydration at hand, its composition for home cooking is simple and accessible to everyone. Even in field conditions, you can easily find all the ingredients, the main thing is to know exactly how to prepare, its composition and proportions, and how you can replace the rehydration. Preparation requires the simplest ingredients - salt, sugar, soda. Such components are available almost always and in every home. The composition of the usual drug to maintain the water-salt balance is quite simple - sodium chloride and calcium, and in simple terms - salt and soda, citrate, glucose. While taking the drug, it is not necessary to eat foods containing large amounts of sucrose. . This can reduce the positive effect to zero.



Recommendations for admission

Dehydration solution must be taken correctly, It cannot be combined with other similar drugs and some foods. You cannot add anything to improve the taste rehydration solution, even if the child refuses to take the medicine. The pharmacy, as well as the home rehydration should be taken correctly. Rapidly after the first unpleasant symptoms, or after poisoning it's most recommended to drink at least 700 to 500 ml of solution. Ideally, the calculation is carried out according to the scheme - 10 ml of the drug is drunk per kg per kilo (used during the first hour). After the dose is halved, continue to drink the medicine to normalize the condition. For children, a slightly different calculation is for 1 kg of weight from 25 to 60 ml. As health increases, the amount of the drug is reduced to 5 ml per kilogram. There are not many recipes for preparing a solution for replenishing the electrolyte balance, because, in fact, the composition of such a tool can contain only four ingredients - salt, soda, sugar and water. Only the dosage of the ingredients and the ways of using the medication may be different.


This is a recipe with which you can prepare a useful solution even in an emergency. 200 ml of purified water, preferably boiled and purified, 5 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar dissolved in it. To accept in the same dosages and in normal pharmaceutical preparation. For half a litre of water, you need to take two tablespoons of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. Also, mix well and drink as suggested. This salt solution will have a much better and faster effect on the body due to the content in the soda composition.


Not much different from the first. You just need to separate the salt and sugar separately with a tablespoon per litre of water. Take the solutions alternately every ten minutes. You can also make two separate jars - one in soda solution and the other in salt. If you want to make rehydration for your child at home, then mix a spoonful of sugar, half salt and soda with a glass of water.


Salt solution on raisins

If you have time, you can prepare a brine solution based on a decoction of raisins. For this, dried grapes in the amount of 100 g are boiled in water for half an hour, the broth is filtered, and the same ingredients are added to it - salt, sugar and soda. The resulting mixture is boiled for another three minutes and cooled to room temperature; it can now be used for processing. If you need help urgently, prepare home rehydration without raisins. You can store any solution for no more than a day at a cool temperature and without light.


Key features and recommendations

Dehydration is very dangerous for the body, especially for children, so the symptoms of poisoning, vomiting cannot be allowed to slip. For diarrhoea or opened vomiting, call an ambulance immediately. It is advisable to start taking all necessary medications immediately because dehydration and loss of beneficial substances by the body in the process of vomiting and diarrhoea occur quite quickly. Drugs and pharmacy at home are not the main means of treatment, remember this! If there are symptoms associated with intoxication and an unpleasant one, you need to look for the cause and eliminate it. ORS is used only to restore electrolyte balance, but does not cure poisoning and does not remove toxic substances from the body, so it is necessary to take additional medications, but at regular intervals with taking saline.


ORS is not a harmless drug, If you exceed the dosage of the solution is not prepared correctly, you can cause serious harm to the body. In addition, there are some contraindications for which the use of the drug is limited or completely prohibited. It should not be given to patients in an unconscious state, high blood pressure, as well as strong and constant vomiting. Also, contraindications are diabetes, renal colic, intestinal obstruction. Children are advised to drip and not drink the solution in sips. Taking the solution in small portions, which will prevent the next vomiting attack and restore the body's lack of all the necessary substances as soon as possible.



Similar drugs

In addition to rehydration, you can buy it, as in a pharmacy and other composition drugs, which practically does not differ from the original:


ORS should be constantly in the first aid kit So, in case of unforeseen situations, you can quickly and easily use the powder and prepare a solution. If the funds are not at home, use the recipes in case of emergency and consult a doctor.


About rehydration products

Oral rehydration means Yevgeny Komarovsky, first aid kit to the family is the most important for sane parents. Pathological dehydration in the child's body is not uncommon, as so many children's ailments are contagious in nature. With intestinal infections and viral diseases accompanied by high fever, poisoning, vomiting or diarrhoea, as well as food poisoning - means of rehydration will be the main treatment for the baby. These are salts that produce a liquid when dissolved with ordinary boiled water, not only compensating for the loss of water while drinking. It also makes it possible to correct the deficit lost with vomiting masses, frequent loose stools and then salts and minerals, which are very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.


The best known in Russia are oral rehydration:

 During the illness, the child eats less, and this is quite natural, but it is eating because young children get a lot of liquid, because they eat cereals, soups, kefir. The lack of appetite, although physiologically conditioned, has an additional effect on the dehydration process. The method in which the treatment aims to replenish the fluid and salt balance is called rehydration therapy. If necessary, the child can be introduced into the body in two ways:


By mouth, if it drinks, absorbs and removes the solution, intravenously - through a dropper, if he refuses to drink or vomits, everything he drinks often comes out immediately. The second method is not applied at home, it is the job of ambulance doctors and infectious hospital specialists. In most cases, parents are perfectly able to cope with the first method problem - oral. If there are ready-made “ORS” medicine sachets or any other formulation from the above list, it is sufficient to dilute them with the required amount of water as written on the package. The drug is not prescription and is available to all comers.


If for some reason there are no ready-made sacks and there is no possibility to get them within the next half hour, then you can prepare the solution yourself. It does not contain any special ingredients that would not be in any hostess's kitchen.




Recipe at home

The World Health Organization in a solution for drinking during poisoning in a volume of 1 litre of water:

  • sodium chloride (3.5 g),
  • sodium bicarbonate (2.5 g),
  • potassium chloride (1.5 g),
  • glucose (20 grams).

When treating children for severe intestinal infections accompanied by severe diarrhoea or vomiting, it is recommended to add trisodium citrate in an amount of 2.9 grams instead of sodium bicarbonate and decrease the content of sodium chloride ( salt ) to 2.6 grams. Cooking at home has nothing to do with the chemical laboratory, and therefore Komarovsky shows the above recommendations only for general familiarity with the composition of the rehydration solution. At home, the preparation of the tool will look like this:


  • 1 litre of boiling warm water
  • table salt (you can take iodine, but better - most common) - 3 grams (this is 1 teaspoon from the top),
  • 18 grams of sugar (or sucrose for those who do not tolerate the same amount of sugar). This is a little less then a tablespoon.
  • This recipe has been approved by the World Health Organization in full compliance with the requirements for preparation with rehydration properties.


 How to apply?

The prepared solution should be thoroughly mixed until all crystals and salt and sugar are completely dissolved in water. Yevgeny Komarovsky, you should not say that the mixture tastes not the most pleasant, and therefore expects the child to start drinking with pleasure, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Give the resulting solution in the form of heat. It is desirable that the temperature of the liquid be equal to the temperature of the baby's body - if this condition is met, the liquid will be absorbed and absorbed faster.


There is no exact dosage, but there is an important rule: the more the child drinks, the better. Therefore, you should water as often and as often as possible. If there are no signs of dehydration, a litre of a solution prepared for a child is sufficient to drink for three to four hours. The use of the amount will be increased if there are sign and symptoms of dehydration. These features include:


  • dry skin, crying without tears, dry tongue, constant thirst in the baby,
  • Rare urination (never descends within three hours due to "little need"),
  • Urine has a bright saturated colour and sometimes a strong odour.
  • antipyretic drugs do not have a noticeable effect,
  • Dark circles appear under the eyes on facial feature 


If the vomiting is too intense and you cannot get the baby intoxicated normally, you need to drip the needle, the baby drinker, from a disposable syringe without a teaspoon - whatever you want, only when he drinks. Even if such a small amount is not absorbed, you should call an ambulance so your child can undergo intravenous rehydration. It is not too long to store the homemade solution: if not all of the diluted amounts are drunk within 3-4 hours, it is recommended to prepare a new batch. 


How to make "ORS" for a child at home?

There are many rehydrations medications available, but doctors often recommend using ORS at home. It is the mixture of substances that, when dissolved in ordinary boiled water, form a brine solution that not only compensates for the loss of water but also completely in the body balance and restores the salt. Independent preparation of the solution from pharmaceutical preparations. In cases where rehydration use should be started immediately, rehydration and home first aid kit no. You can get rid of this situation by using the following medicines in your first aid kit:


  • Sodium chloride in an amount of 3.5 grams,
  • Sodium bicarbonate in an amount of 2.5 grams,
  • Potassium chloride in an amount of 1.5 grams,
  • Glucose in the amount of 20 grams.

If a child has acute vomiting, sodium bicarbonate should be replaced with sodium citrate and slightly reduce the amount of salt. Other ingredients cannot be added to the solution to avoid disturbing the mineral balance. The above list of "ingredients" has been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is similarly used in the production of rehydration and other drugs. Preparation of solutions from home "materials" However, if the above drugs are not available? What can replace rehydration? Alternatively - more affordable items available in any kitchen in the hostess's arsenal. Homemade rehydration cooked with your own hands will consist of:


  • a litter of water
  • a teaspoon of salt (without slipping),
  • a teaspoon of baking powder (without slipping),
  • spoons of sugar (no slide).

The above prescription has been approved by most doctors and traditional medicine professionals and is not inferior in efficacy for pharmaceutical preparations.


Pharmaceutical "ORS" composition

ORS consists of the following ingredients:


  1. Sodium chloride (NaCl), which contributes to the beginning of the elimination of bacteria and other toxins from the body and normalizes the balance of sodium in the blood.
  2. Potassium chloride (KCl). This substance regulates blood pressure and restores the alkali and acid balance in the child's abdomen.
  3. Dextrose designed to increase the level of metabolism, potassium citrate and sodium in the blood. This increase leads to the restoration of the body's cell functions.
  4. The acidity decreased in the stomach by sodium citrate.
  5. Production of this drug started in 2011. Since then, ORS is available in powder form and sold in metered packs. It can be purchased as a pack of 20 bags or individually.



How to consume Oral Rehydration Solution ( ORS )?

Enter the ORS child in the body in two ways:

Oral administration (by mouth) injection into a vein. In the first case, there is usually, no problem and the second should only be used if the mother is a medical professional and understands the full risk of such a substance entering the blood.


It is worth remembering that if when taken by mouth, a child has acute vomiting, then the amount of solution taken should be increased. This is due to the fact that the vomiting does not allow fluid to remain in the stomach for a long time and is taken out. In this case, the drug is practically absent of indigestion. Before you start pulling, you need to weigh the baby to see the recovery dynamics of the body's water body.


Before use, the contents of the package are diluted in one litre of water. Then, the solution obtained is used orally. The child per hour should consume 10 ml of this solution, that is, about 1 teaspoon every 10 minutes. At the same time, if the amount of liquid stool is reduced, then the dose of the drug in each dose is reduced to 5 ml per hour. The main feature of the treatment is to take the solution regularly.


However, if the stool does not become less liquid then the dosage can be increased to 15 ml per hour. At recommended doses, ORS can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The diet of the child should not be different every day. Unless you refuse caffeine-containing drinks. This needs to be done as caffeine can increase water excretion from the body.


Features of the reception of  Oral Rehydration Solution ( ORS ) newborns

Since diarrhoea or vomiting in newborns rapidly develop dehydration of the body and disrupt the water and electrolyte balance, all efforts should be directed towards the treatment of the child.


ORS newborn child should be injected into the mouth by any means, for example, with a syringe, pipette or other non-traumatic methods. If a child has severe vomiting and you cannot regularly apply the solution to the oral cavity, then the child should be given inpatient treatment.


When should he go to the doctor?

The symptoms of dehydration that require immediate medical attention are listed below:

  1. no tears when crying
  2. dry skin in the mouth
  3. A large amount of water is consumed
  4. a small amount of urination,
  5. brightly coloured urine with a pronounced ammonia odour,
  6. drugs against heat do not lower the temperature
  7. weight loss
  8. rough skin

All of the above symptoms are explained by the child losing a large amount of water through vomiting and diarrhoea. Often this is due to a deterioration in the child's appetite because during feeding, the child is given the required amount of water and minerals. If, after taking the drug for three days, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, rare urination, lethargy remain, the child should be shown to a paediatrician to investigate the cause of the above symptoms. In case of a serious condition of the child, further treatment in the hospital is recommended. But even in this case, dehydration therapy only involves taking ORS using the more effective vein injection method.



If the required dose is exceeded, the following symptoms may be detected:


  1. allergic condition
  2. Rashes that do not have a clear localization
  3. Increased sodium, which can lead to abundant withdrawal of water, which causes an increase in cells in the blood,
  4. unexplained weakness and lethargy,
  5. contractions.
  6. Pharmaceutical analogues of ORS

If you do not believe in the power of home rehydration and the pharmacy is not at hand, you can use the following similar drugs:


  • Humana Electrolyte.
  • Polyphepan.
  • ORS.
  • Hydrovit, HydrovitForte.
  • Enterodesum.
  • Components and cooking conditions

The following ingredients will be required for the rehydration solution itself preparation:


  • Salt,
  • Candy,
  • Boiled drinking water
  • Baking powder,
  • 0.5 to 1-litre volume chamber,
  • Tk.

Rehydration recipe at home does not require compliance with sterility. However, the cleanliness of the place where the drug was prepared should be observed. The table in which the manipulations are made should not be dusty - you should first wipe it with a clean cloth. Hands should also be clean. If these rules are not followed, pathogens can enter the solution and the patient's condition worsens due to adhering to bacterial microflora.



The composition and method of making ORS at home, as there are three prescription drugs, there may be some differences:


  1. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt to a glass of boiling water,
  2. Sp teaspoon is added to 500 ml boiling water. baking powder, ¼ tsp. salt and 2 tables. spoon of sugar
  3. 1 tablespoon is added to a litre jar. sugar, other - 1 table. a spoonful of salt. After both banks, pour warm water on top. The composition is taken from both boxes alternately every 10 minutes.
  4. After mixing the components thoroughly and obtaining a homogeneous mixture (for the first two recipes), the ready solution must be removed from the refrigerator and consumed within 24 hours. 
  5. Long-term storage of homemade ORS causes the salts to precipitate, which makes the drug unsuitable for use.


How and in what quantity to drink the solution

Normal is the consumption of ORS, which is twice the loss of this amount of body weight. Therefore, if the patient loses 200 grams during the duration of the disease, the solution dose for the first 10 hours of treatment will be 400 grams of an aqueous solution. In this case, the patient should not use other fluids. If necessary, ORS treatment is continued for up to 3-4 days, while the patient is allowed to use other fluids. The ratio of normal liquid to the solution of the drug should be 4: 1, respectively. Rehydration solution should be taken in small sips. In severe vomiting in a child, ORS is administered with a frozen or a nasogastric tube.


Overdose symptoms and causes

Excessive use of rehydration can cause an overdose. The latter is characterized by the occurrence of symptoms of hypernatremia:

  • weakness
  • Nervous excitement
  • numbness,
  • Confusion of consciousness
  • Convulsion.
  • Children with an overdose can go into a coma with respiratory distress and convulsions.


This is important! Hypernatremia with ORS is possible only with the administration of the drug through a nasogastric tube or with the use of high doses of saline for prolonged periods of time. A single dose of even a large amount of saltwater will not lead to an overdose. Helping with hypernatremia is to maintain the vital functions of the body and to remove excess mineral salts. The latter is administered with active stimulation of urine using potassium and sodium diuretics for excretion (Furosemide, Lasix). Assistance is provided by experts in hospital conditions.


Which solution is better - pharmacy or homemade?

Overall, both pharmacy and home ORS allow you to achieve the goal of restoring water and electrolyte balance in the body in diseases that involve dehydration. However, there are differences:


An industrially obtained product has a more pronounced effect on the qualitative composition of renewable salts. The composition of the pharmaceutical preparation includes potassium and sodium citrate salts, which are not added to the home medicine (since it is not banal), The pharmaceutical preparation has a more accurate dosage and the ratio of salt. It is not recommended to add foreign substances to pharmacy records to improve the taste. The home rehydration solution allows you to add auxiliary components that facilitate the intake of the medicine in children (honey, fruit concentrates).


We hope you have a comprehensive answer to your questions about how to use ORS at home and how to use it at home. However, it is important to understand that homemade medicine is allowed to be used only with slight dehydration. Severe dehydration requires not only the use of professional restorative solutions but also treatments aimed at addressing the root causes of dehydration.


When is the time to return to ORS?

To decide the use of any drug, the symptoms of the disease. ORS is considered a completely harmless remedy, but can only be used with the following indications:


  • you are constantly feeling sleepy,
  • urine level decreases many times over
  • when you feeling of viscosity in your oral cavity or mouth. 
  • dizziness or even fainting.

If we are talking about adult patients, the symptoms of dehydration cannot be called critical to the body. In young children, things are a little more complicated, for them, the disease can turn into serious consequences. The child is dehydrated:


  1. the creep of spring,
  2. absence of tears during nervous breakdown and absence of sweat during overstrain,
  3. sleep disturbances, restlessness,
  4. heavy breathing and palpitations.


In the most severe cases, babies may faint and fall into a state of illusion. Here ORS comes to the rescue - a universal remedy for compensating losses. Before you start using it, you should wait at least ten hours from the moment the first symptoms occur, and then weigh the patient so that you determine the approximate amount of fluid he has lost. Doctors recover the balance for this the amount consumed during the clarification fluid should be twice the amount lost. The exception to this logic is only children - for them, ORS can be harmful in large quantities.


ORS Cooking

 You can cook ORS at home, but first, you need to understand how this medicine works and what is in it. Shown in the pharmacy version of the mixture on the label: dextrose, sodium chloride and potassium. These elements need to be diluted with water, adhere to certain proportions and give to the patient. Doctors are confident that this way it is possible not only to return the spent fluid but also to effectively restore the acid-base balance. Now, having acquired the necessary experience, experts three ways ORS cooking with their own hands. Let's look at each option step by step:

Take a glass of boiling water (make sure it is at room temperature) and add salt and sugar (a spoon each). Mix it well. Prepare 500 millilitres and double the amount of sugar - mix two teaspoons. Additionally, add a spoonful of soda divided in half and mix with salt. Add everything to water and mix.

This recipe is fully beneficial for those who need to speed up their healing process. Because only two-litre jars will need to be boiled, but chilled water. In the first add a tablespoon of edible salt, in the second the same amount of sugar. Solutions are taken at ten-minute intervals. You can add something pleasant (raisins, for example) to improve your taste because the most important thing in the treatment of dehydration is not what the patient drinks, but in what quantities. This is not a reason to give a capricious child soda or juice in the bag, but it is not recommended to always insist on ORS. Taking ORS in young children can be difficult to make the taste unpleasant, but there is a highly tolerable alternative for them. Doctors show that boiling raisins, electrolytic preparations, alkaline water, and even plain green tea can become analogues of the solution. Of course, such fluids will not work very quickly and will not relieve all symptoms, but they will play a role in their recovery and restore the body a day later.


How is the prepared solution stored?

It must be properly stored so that the solution does not have to be prepared over and over again for several days. In general, the maximum duration of a housework worker is two days, but these should be kept only in the refrigerator, keeping them from the hands of difficult children. With a powder pharmacy ORS, the situation is different: it can be suitable for use for up to three years in a dry and dark place.


Preventive measures: 

We do it so that ORS is not needed To get the ORS out of the first aid kit, you need to know at once and for all that dehydration comes at a time when the body stops getting the right amount of fluid, and it no longer has the ability to make a regular change. This is facilitated by intense vomiting, diarrhoea, high fever, frequent urination, or heavy sweating. All these ailments usually come on suddenly and disrupt hanging plans by taking large amounts of fluid and electrolytes from the body for hours. Try to protect yourself from such a risk by taking all of the above: two litres of liquid that everyone should drink during the day. If you are using any diuretic antihistamines, increase the amount of fluid several times.



ORS isn't the safest compound in the world. It is contraindicated:

  1. kidney and liver failure
  2. large amounts of potassium,
  3. Severe hypertension case,
  4. diabetes.


Doctors prohibit the repeated use of the mixture if traces of blood in the stool become apparent after the temperature rises for the first time or violations of the vocal apparatus begin. All these situations are very rare (only by individual response), but require urgent intervention by a specialist. Follow the advice and pay attention!


Why buy a moisturizing agent?

ORS is a medicine with a powder for dilution in water. After dissolving, a liquid is obtained, when taken, it compensates for the loss of water by the body. It also removes the salt and mineral deficiency that leaves the body with vomiting, diarrhoea, diarrhoea, and sweat. Optimum water-salt balance ensures the normal functioning of all organs.




How to dissolve the medicine powder?

The drug contains dextrose, potassium chloride, sodium citrate and sodium chloride. The powder contained in the same package of the preparation (weighing 18.9 g) is dissolved in one litre of boiled cooled water. And after its taste salty-sweet is in a clear solution. It is taken in small portions (measured in small sips or teaspoons) throughout the day, regardless of meals and the time of day. We recommend that you find out what other drugs should be taken for food poisoning. When the solution is used for rehydration for prophylactic purposes, the amount of water for its preparation is increased by 2 times, that is, 1 litre of powder requires 2 litres of water.



Preparation of ORS analogue

A similar solution can be obtained by dissolving the ingredients found in every household in water - water, soda, table salt and sugar. Before you can cook ORS at home, you need to boil the water (at least a litre). Water is poured into a jug, a jug, a jug - a glass or ceramic container and wait for it to cool to 37-38 degrees. Add to the cooled water (1 l):

1. Three grams of salt (1 teaspoon without slipping),

2. And 18 grams of sugar (1 part tablespoon).

3. All ingredients are mixed until completely dissolved. This ORS recipe has been recognized by WHO experts in accordance with the requirements for rehydration preparations.

4. Warning! The analogue of ORS, prepared at home, as well as a pharmaceutical preparation, will have an unpleasant taste.

5. It is better to drink the solution a little warm. The temperature of the liquid is 37-38 degrees, the temperature of the body, the absorption will be more effective. 

6. There are several ways to make ORS at home. The above recipe is considered the most popular. However, you can prepare rehydration by mixing in a litre of boiled water:


  • 10 teaspoons of sugar,
  • half a teaspoon of soda,
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

We recommend that you learn about the symptoms of a subphrenic abscess. Another option: In a litre of liquid, 20 grams of sugar, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of soda are dissolved. If you do not have a kitchen scale at hand and you cannot accurately measure loose ingredients in grams, you can use the following proportions:

 2 glasses of water Mad. granulated sugar spoon a teaspoon of salt and soda. It is important to mix the materials until all crystals are dissolved in water. It can be considered ready for use after this tool.



It is recommended to drink the resulting solution within 3 hours of preparation. After this time, it is better to prepare a fresh batch.


How to take a rehydration agent?

The solution needs to be taken regardless of whether the pharmacy medicine or an analogue prepared from household ingredients is used in a warm form. If the taste is disgusting, it should be drunk in small sips. Young children can give a teaspoon every 5-7 minutes. Some parents use a syringe without a needle to remove the child.


the daily dose of solution for rehydration depends on the patient's body weight and the severity of symptoms. For example, with mild diarrhoea, the dose is 40-50 ml per 1 kg of weight, that is, for a patient weight of 60 kg, approximately 2.5 litres of the drug solution should be drunk. With moderate symptoms, the dose is increased to 80-100 ml per kilogram. In the first 6 hours of the onset of symptoms of the disease, ORS should be drunk in an amount 2 times greater than the volume of fluid lost by the body. The patient must be weighed to determine this volume. Despite the availability of ingredients for the preparation of the analogue of the drug, it is still better to use a pharmacy drug with the exact measured number of ingredients. When using it, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and pay attention to the recommended proportions and dosages. In violation of these recommendations, an overdose of the drug is possible, which manifests itself in hypernatremia. Symptoms of this condition are expressed as confusion, lethargy, impotence, and in some cases, a person may go into a coma with respiratory arrest. It is also possible hyperkalaemia, manifested by heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, the medicine should be clearly administered in accordance with the instructions and the dosage should be agreed with the doctor. 


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