Sunday 17 May 2020



      The lockdown impact on health. did you know about what is HEALTH?  According to WHO, the World Health Organization, Health is a state of complete physical,  mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. During this time when there's so much focus on our physical health it's important not to forget about our mental health with all the changes happening as we overcome this pandemic it's easy to feel depressed anxious and stressed. The asymptomatic nature of the disease and isolation increase the fear and anxiety not only among the youth and older population, but children are also its invisible victims. Social disconnectedness is fuelling mental health issues among the older population while youth are suffering from a fear of an uncertain future, academic year and job losses. Many cases of mental health emergencies due to COVID-19 phobia have already been reported in India.

  there is both positive and negative covid19 lockdown impact on the health of peoples
  the first we see a negative impact on health.
The Lockdown negative Impact on Health:

1. How COVID-19 lockdown impacts the mental health of the most vulnerable? 
Apart from, different issues caused by the COVID-19 outbreak have affected
the mental health of people {others} with severe chronic illnesses such as (viz HIV/ AIDS,
chronic kidney disease, organ failure patients and the cardiac patients etc) are
requiring regular medicines and medical care. so being hotspot area, some people are
not access enough health care facility. so, unfortunately, on those people are may lockdown
negative impact on their health and vulnerable of other complications such as depression
anxiety and stress confusion, anger, insomnia or inability to sleep and also unfortunately
it maybe leads suicides. 

2. Because of lockdown most of the slum areas in Mumbai, Delhi and small villages are especially in hotspots areas. I mean if you look at Dharavi, Mumbai and you could look at Dharavi,
peoples and all these slum areas meters and the where you have significant rise cases for 
Covid-19 and unfortunately these are the places where the underprivileged (needy) health
care Women’s or mothers who are pregnant do not get access to enough health care and the hospital
nearby the small hospitals are all closed many of the bigger hospitals have become Covid-19
hospitals so, unfortunately, the places where they are registered may be closed they have no idea where to go and what to do next and even if they know where to go or the hospital open and they have no transportation access because of transport out from those hotspot areas is very difficult so in this case what happens? will, unfortunately, it's got a very negative impact on their health because during the pregnancy woman needs monthly health check-ups. and if women have any other complication or health problems that are life-threatening for pregnancy women’s such as miscarriage, pre-eclampsia and placenta praevia ectopic pregnancy etc. If occur it needs emergency hospitalisation. so, it's also a big the crisis is our India. and the negative impact of lockdown on health.

The Lockdown positive Impact on Health:

Everyone has been in lockdown for over a month. Many of us are getting bore, miss our daily routines, and frustrated about staying indoors all the time. It is completely normal to feel this way as it is in our nature. to go out and socialise with other people. But what we don’t seem to have realised is that there is a positive impact on being in lockdown. The first and obvious reason is that we are helping to flatten the curve by not catching the coronavirus ourselves. Here are a few more ways that being in quarantine is having a positive impact on our health.

1.Environmental changes. air pollution is one of the deadliest killers it claims more than 7 million lives each year. It shows on average about 3 years of our lives particularly for people living in global south Africa and Asia.and nowadays the traffic has nearly stopped and nitrogen dioxide levels have clearly dropped. Nature beautifully healing itself due to lockdown the air pollution and water pollution become radiuses like Ganga river Delhi air pollution get decreased and become pour because of lockdown. it's perfect for the health of all living things such as animals’ plant's birds’ aquatic animals and as well as humans. remember if you struggle to breathe and now if you breathing in toxins then that means recovery it’s very difficult for you due to this there we have also seen our alders are about between age of 70-101 years old recovering maybe its due to the atmosphere they may are because breathing well or less pollution in the air.

2. Sufficient and good sleep: When we don’t have to commute long distances to get to work or have to get the kids ready for school on time, we can get a little more sleep. Even an extra hour of sleep could mean seven hours instead of six, which makes a big difference to our health. In the evening too, as people don’t have to get home late, it is possible to get to bed a little
earlier and get more rest.

3. Eating healthy: Not only are we stuck at home, but most restaurants and delivery services have stopped. Many of us have also become cautious about eating outside food because we don’t want to catch COVID-19. As a result, more of us are eating home-cooked food. Home cooking
usually uses less oil, fresh ingredients, and little to no processed foods, making
it a healthier option than eating out.

4. Working out: The extra time on our hands and the worry of gaining weight has prompted many people to start working out at home. From yoga and meditation to energetic Zumba sessions, people all over the world are getting creative with their home workouts. This is also a fun activity because the whole family can join in and stay healthy together.

5. Home care: With domestic help also needing to stay home, we find ourselves needing to do our own housework. This is a good thing for several reasons. Housework is one of the most productive ways to keep busy and not get bored. You are personally invested when you are cleaning your own home so you do a much better job. You find things that you haven’t used in a long time and can take the call to throw them out. And you end up with a much cleaner living space. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, and cleaning cobwebs are all ways to keep active and burn extra calories.

6. Family time: With parents working from home and kids not having to go to school, this is the best time to bond as a family. As parents get involved in home-schooling, they start to understand what their kids are learning in school, what their difficulties are, and how they can help them. Families also have more time to do fun stuff together like play board games, cook meals, do arts and crafts, and much more. This time together is a great way to relieve stress and improve mental health.

It might not seem like it at first, but the lockdown can have many benefits. The positive impact
on our health is a good reason why everyone should take this time and make the most of it



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