Sunday 28 March 2021

What are the benefits of pomegranate juice and pomegranate ? The damages of pomegranate!

What are the benefits of pomegranate juice and pomegranate? The damages of pomegranate!

Pomegranate is one of the most medicinal fruits on earth; With the vitamins and minerals, it contains, it strengthens the immune system and protects it from diseases. Having antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumour properties, pomegranate is also a real vitamin store with the vitamins A, C, E and folic acid it contains. This medicinal fruit contains three times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. In this way, it protects from many diseases such as cancer. Pomegranate is protective against many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Not only the grains but also the water and even the peel can be used for health.


  • What is a pomegranate?
  • What are the benefits of pomegranate?
  • Benefits of pomegranate to cancer
  • Benefits of pomegranate during pregnancy
  • Benefits of pomegranate for heart
  • Benefits of pomegranate juice for women
  • Benefits of pomegranate peel
  • The damages of pomegranate
  • How to prepare pomegranate syrup?

What is a pomegranate?

( 1 ) Pomegranate is a sweet fruit of the Lythraceae family, consisting of small seeds and grains. It grows in a temperate climate and is one of the tastiest fruits in the world. This flawless fruit has incredible benefits for human health. One of the best properties of pomegranate is that it has a natural antioxidant effect. It is also very rich in vitamins A, C and E. Pomegranate, which strengthens the immune system, also has anti-viral and anti-tumour properties. 

Where does pomegranate grow?

Pomegranate tree likes mild climates . Therefore, it can be grown in many parts of the world. Pomegranate cultivation in Turkey thanks to the mild climate of the world 3. milk. Pomegranate trees are grown in many parts of our country. It is widespread, especially in the Aegean, Mediterranean and Southeastern Anatolia regions. Pomegranate juice is a very powerful antioxidant.

 Vitamins in pomegranate

Pomegranate is extremely nutritious thanks to its high content of fibre, protein, vitamin C, vitamin E and K, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It is a fruit with therapeutic properties. However, it may be necessary to be careful about the sugar it contains.

What are the benefits of pomegranate?

( 2 )There are thousands of scientific studies published on the health benefits of pomegranate. Pomegranate juice and fruit fight inflammation, disease and toxins that occur in the body. Vitamins and antioxidants it contains protect against many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis. If you add the fruit or juice of pomegranate to your diet, you can see the benefits listed below in a very short time. Pomegranate has been consumed as a healing herb throughout history.


Benefits of pomegranate to cancer

( 3 ) Much scientific evidence has been published that pomegranate protects against cancer. It has been proven that pomegranate has an anti-tumour effect on many types of cancer. Studies have shown that pomegranate inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells and triggers breast cancer cell death. It has been found that prostate cancer growth slows down in men who drink pomegranate juice. In a study of men with prostate cancer and specific antigen (PSA) levels, pomegranate juice has been shown to significantly slow the rate of PSA elevation. In other studies, they found that some compounds in pomegranate juice have potent anti-tumour effects and inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Benefits of pomegranate for skin

( 4 ) Rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, this healing fruit helps delay the signs of ageing on the skin. In this way, it is possible to treat skin inflammation, acne breakouts and sunspots. It also has the feature of brightening the skin. 

Pomegranate peel and lemon juice mask

Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and honey to 2 tablespoons of pomegranate peel powder. Mix well to form a smooth paste. Apply this on your face and neck and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. This face mask can treat sun spots and pigmentation and give the skin a natural glow. Also a good anti-ageing.

 Pomegranate seed oil is also beneficial in eczema and psoriasis are known to be beneficial in the treatment. Although there are not many studies on the subject, crushed pomegranate leaves can be mixed with water and can be used in the treatment of vitiligo. This fruit also protects the skin from the sun and helps in pregnancy spot treatment.

Benefits of pomegranate during pregnancy

( 6 ) Eating pomegranate during pregnancy reduces the risk of damage to the placenta. This delicious fruit is also rich in folic acid, so it can protect you and your baby from diseases and prevent birth defects during pregnancy. Pomegranate seeds can also reduce brain damage in newborns. If high-risk pregnant women eat this fruit in the first trimester, their chances of having a healthier baby may increase.  Increase breast milk and cleanse the blood. There are also some sources that pomegranate cures infertility in women. However, as pomegranate extract has been found to cause uterine contractions in pregnant women, you should consult your doctor before using it. Eating natural pomegranate can be the best way to benefit from it. 

Pomegranate benefits for flu

If you want to be protected from flu and cold, a diet rich in vitamin C will help you. The high amount of vitamin C in pomegranate protects the body against the flu and cold. Drinking 1 to 2 glasses of fresh pomegranate juice diluted with a litre of water throughout the day will help you get through the autumn and winter months when the flu is most common. 

Benefits of pomegranate for blood pressure

( 7 ) High blood pressure ( hypertension ) is an important risk factor for stroke and heart attack. Blood pressure, which occurs regardless of age and gender, is dangerous for human health. Fresh pomegranate juice is a very effective food for lowering high blood pressure. In one study, individuals with high blood pressure consumed 150 ml of pomegranate juice daily for 2 weeks, resulting in a significant decrease in their blood pressure. 

Benefits of pomegranate to joint rheumatism (Arthritis)

( 8 ) Joint rheumatism ( Rheumatoid arthritis ) is an inflammation of one or more joints. It causes pain and joint stiffness that worsens with advanced age. Pomegranate provides a natural treatment for rheumatism with its anti-inflammatory flavonols and antioxidants in its content.In recent scientific studies, it has been determined that the pomegranate seed extract is good for collagen-induced arthritis. It has also been proven to reduce the severity of arthritis and arthritis. If you are already taking medications for joint rheumatism, consult your doctor before adding this fruit to your daily routine. 

Benefits of pomegranate for heart

( 9 ) One study suggests that pomegranate can speed up the oxygen supply to the heart muscles and help treat many hearts conditions such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease. The antiplatelet activity of pomegranate is also known to help with arterial plaque and blood clots. Therefore, just one glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice per day for at At least 3 months can provide a significant improvement in heart health. 

Benefits of pomegranate juice for women

Pomegranate juice

( 10 ) Pomegranate juice has numerous health benefits for women at the estrogen level compensates for the day,  a glass of pomegranate juice-drinking, menopausal problems help combat Pomegranate's antioxidant properties can contribute to the regeneration of skin cells and reverse wrinkles and ageing signs of sagging skin. Pomegranate seed oil nourishes the hair and makes it easier to comb This magnificent fruit is a food rich in iron. Preliminary studies have confirmed what pomegranate can help with menstrual irregularity, particularly anaemia. Because pomegranate is rich in fibre, it can neither help nor treat a fungal infection. It kills the fungi responsible for the disease and multiplies the beneficial ones.

Benefits of pomegranate to memory

Scientific studies have proven the benefits of polyphenols found in pomegranate seeds and juice to memory and cognitive functions. Pomegranate has significant benefits, especially in postoperative memory retention. In another study, elderly individuals with memory complaints drank 1 cup of pomegranate juice or a placebo beverage that had a taste-like taste for four weeks. Significantly positive differences in verbal and visual memory areas were found in subjects who drank pomegranate juice compared to experiments that drank a placebo.  

In addition, a study with animals has proven that adding pomegranate to the diet delays the onset or progression of Alzheimer's disease, and it is stated that pomegranate can be used in the natural treatment of Alzheimer's. In another animal study in the pomegranate seed extracts, with an antioxidant effect memory to improve the coordination and muscle it was observed. The benefits of pomegranate to sexuality. Another unknown feature of pomegranate is its aphrodisiac effect. In recent years, the viagra effect of pomegranate has been mentioned frequently. In a study conducted at The University of Margaret, pure pomegranate juice consumption, blood pressure, heart and mood, as well as positive effects on testosterone levels n, was found to significantly increase. Increased testosterone is crucial for increased sexual desire and an erection. In a recent scientific study, pomegranate has been shown to be beneficial for blood flow and erection.


Benefits of pomegranate peel

( 11 ) It should not be consumed directly like the peel and grains of pomegranate. The best method to consume the pomegranate peel is to boil it with water or crush the peels well. When the pomegranate peels are boiled and drunk, it cleans the stomach and intestines. It eliminates digestive problems such as diarrhoea and constipation. Crushed pomegranate peels accelerate healing when applied to wounds. After the pomegranate peels boiled in half a litre of water are drained, 1 tea glass can be consumed daily. This tea is good for haemorrhoids.


The damages of pomegranate

Who should not consume pomegranate?

Some of the cholesterol and high blood pressure medications should not be consumed with pomegranate juice. Therefore, people who use drugs should consult a doctor before consuming pomegranate juice regularly.

The sugar ratio of pomegranate is higher than other fruits. Individuals with diabetes or obesity should pay attention to the consumption of this fruit.

Pomegranate juice can cause gas problems in some cases. Excessive consumption of pomegranate juice can cause bloating in children and adults.

Pomegranate extract can cause uterine contraction in pregnant women.

This fruit can rarely cause allergies. There is no concrete situation that reveals an allergy. However, if an unexpected reaction occurs in the body after eating, consult a doctor immediately.

How to prepare pomegranate syrup?

  • Two (2) kg of fresh pomegranate is sufficient for making pomegranate syrup.
  • Pomegranate their shells so as to keep the white portions are clear. 
  • To get rid of the thin white skins between the grains, drop them into a bowl of water. Thus, the white parts rise above the water.
  • Press the grains in a  tight tulle or fabric strainer and remove the water.
  • Images were taken up in water steel pots and cook low heat until the consistency of molasses, k formed on the Maynard taken foams.
  • To understand the consistency of pomegranate syrup, take 1 tablespoon and cool it. When it cools down, its consistency is better understood.
  • It becomes viscous in about 4-5 hours. Then cover the bottom and let it cool.


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