Saturday 3 April 2021

5. The New Boy of the Bowls: Broccoli Soup Recipe

 The New Boy of the Bowls: Broccoli Soup Recipe

For those who like to eat healthily, we have a delicious broccoli soup recipe without cream. Moreover, it is prepared in a very practical way, does not take much effort. It is also a great alternative for those who have trouble consuming vegetables!

This broccoli soup, which has a special place in soup recipes, is for everyone! Because this is a broccoli soup recipe both without cream and without milk. This plain broccoli soup is also a favourite of diet lists. What more could you ask for?

You can drink the soup you prepare in this way for healing purposes or you can consume it by sweetening it with cream, of course, it is very delicious.

You can prepare the endless broccoli soup with chicken or broth. So let's ask you, broccoli soup do you think the meat is juicy or the chicken is juicy?

FOR HOW MANY PERSON            PREPARATION TIME                            COOKING TIME

4 person                                               10 minutes                                                 20 minutes

Ingredients for Broccoli Soup Recipe

  • 500 grams of broccoli
  • 7 glasses of water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper

How to Make Broccoli Soup Recipe?

  1. Boil 500 grams of broccoli cut into small pieces with 7 cups of water. After the broccoli is boiled, take them out with a colander and set aside the water.

  2. Then melt 1 tablespoon of olive oil and butter in a deep saucepan. Add 1 tablespoon of flour and roast until it smells and gets a light colour.

  3. Add the broccoli to the roasted flour gradually and the boiled water gradually and mix it continuously with a whisk to prevent it from clumping. After boiling for 2-3 minutes in this way, add the broccoli you have boiled and drained into the water.

  4. Blend the soup through a hand blender to get a smooth consistency and finally add 1.5 teaspoons of salt and half a teaspoon of black pepper to it.

  5. Boil broccoli soup for a while, turn off the heat and serve hot. Enjoy your meal!

How to Boil Broccoli?
Broccoli with its many benefits, that delicious flavour... It is possible to eat this vegetable, which many people keep at a distance, by cooking it in the best way. Even if it does not lose its colour while boiling, it has secrets. Moreover, it preserves its nutritional values ​​with this method. If you bought your broccoli from the market, we welcome you to this content: How to Boil Broccoli without Losing Its Green Color and Nutritional Values?
How is broccoli stored in the freezer?
It is actually possible to carry the taste of broccoli to other seasons and to consume it with pleasure. Moreover, in a very practical method without losing its nutritional value and colour. If you are curious about the method of keeping broccoli in your freezer for 12 months in 4 steps, let's get you here: How to Store Broccoli in the Freezer?


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