Sunday 9 June 2019

The Healthy Weight in Womens

The healthy weight

How the emotions cause weight gain

You might not know this but every emotion you feel can lead to weight gain. Here are some emotions and reasons for them causing weight gain:

1) Stress
                  Stress is something in your life sending your stress levels through the roof? Beyond the strain this adds to your day-to-day life, it’s also probably adding some pounds to your frame. Stress is notorious for triggering weight gain by causing surges in the hormone cortisol, which disproportionately distributes fat deposits around your middle.

2) Depression 
                        Depression as if struggling with depression isn't challenging enough, the disease’s interference with a person’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis has been shown in studies to increase abdominal fat. For some people, this can lead to a range of health problems including diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

3) Shame
                 Shame is a powerful emotion, particularly when it’s aimed at our own bodies. While you might imagine that harsh self-criticism to be some kind of perverse motivator to lose weight, studies show that it’s actually been identified as a key trigger for binge-eating.

4) Content
                  There’s a fine line between contentedness and complacency. Sometimes when things are going well in our lives, it’s easy to slip into comfortable habits that ultimately aren’t doing our bodies any favours

5) Anxiety
                  Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand, and so do their cortisol-induced effects on your waistline. Anxiety can also leave you feeling paralyzed when it comes to making positive health choices

6) Deprivation
                   If you’ve ever gone on a crash diet, it should be no surprise to you that feeling deprived can completely undermine your impulse control and up your chances of binging.

7) Self-Loathing
                   Self-loathing is a key reason that people often struggle to break the cycle of emotional overeating. For some, that self-loathing comes as a result of unintentional weight gain. For others, the problem starts elsewhere and weight gain exacerbates it by validating feelings of worthlessness.

8) Failure
                  Sometimes, when we’re afraid of failing at something, we never even try and if you find that a fear of failure makes you avoid certain activities, your waistline could be suffering the consequences.

9) Loneliness
                  Studies show that loneliness is associated with lower self-regulation, resulting in a less-healthy that increased likeliness or alcohol dependence, and an increased likelihood of becoming obese than people with rich support networks.

10) Over-Working
                   A lot of us are stretched too thin, though you wouldn’t know it by looking at our expanding bellies. Feeling like you’re over-committed, whether to a job, your family, or social expectations, can leave very little of the “me time” you need to take care of yourself.

11) False Self-Care
                    If you find that you use unhealthy habits (like defaulting to comfort foods or holing up in front of the TV every evening) to pacify negative feelings, you’re self-soothing. Instead. Learn how to practice better self-care, better self-care, like going for a walk instead of indulging in a sugary escape.

12) Nostalgia
                    Nostalgia is a powerful motivator when it comes to food, whether we realize it or not. From a young age, we may associate eating sweets with our parents rewarding good behaviour, or eating big portions with warm family dinners.

13) Self Consciousness
                     When you’re feeling less-than-fabulous, the last thing you want to do is go to the gym to sweat and jiggle in front of strangers. Of course, the irony is that this is exactly the thing that will make you feel more fabulous in the long run.

14) Fear of Change
                      Sometimes the very idea of change can be frightening-even when we need. Taking charge of your health and shedding those extra inches on your waist can be a daunting task and a major commitment but like any long journey. It begins with a single step.

15) Alcohol Addiction
                      Whatever the underlying feeling, using alcohol as a coping mechanism is bad for your mind, body and more specifically your midsection. Studies show that even occasional binge drinking is correlated with higher levels of visceral fat.

16) Love
                      While marriage is associated with a boost in overall well-being, studies conclude that it also has a causal effect on weight gain-likely from relaxed expectations, and new kitchen habits formed as a couple.

17) Boredom
                      “am l hungry, or just bored?” if you have to ask, chances are it’s the latter. A 2014 study in Frontiers of Psychology showed that we regularly seek out the dopamine rush of eating certain foods to activate the reward centre of our brains out of boredom.

18) Insecurity
                       Feeling insecure about your weight loss will lead to an inevitable crash and burn when you give in to peer pressure, and those extra foods and drinks you eat are likely to end up as pounds you wear around your waist.


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