Saturday 27 March 2021

What are the wisdom and benefits of fasting?

 What are the wisdom and benefits of fasting?

Benefits of Ramadan fasting

Allah's orders and prohibitions are for the good of the servants of course. Islamic scholars agree that all provisions are aimed at realizing the benefits of people. It is an inevitable fact that there are great benefits for the servants in the things Allah wants to do, and great damages in the things He forbids. In accordance with the mission imposed on them by the Islamic teaching, Islamic scholars have long thought about the benefits and wisdom of various acts of worship, and they have tried to make them functional in the way of purifying and elevating the human soul rather than their personal practical benefits. In this context, some benefits and wisdom provided by the worship that the worshipers are obliged to do can be determined, and it is a fact that not all of these benefits or the aims desired to be achieved can be determined.

The main goal of fasting is to make people attain taqwa. In this very Quran, “O believers! Fasting was prescribed to you, as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may avoid disobeying Allah and attain piety (…) ”(Baqara: 2 / 183–184).

Fasting, which carries people to a spiritual education process, enables the slave to get rid of the residue of sin that has accumulated on his heart and soul in a short time. Thus, fasting leads man to the secret of the verse "qad eflaha men zekkaha". This is an expression that cleanses one's self from evil and attains salvation. Just as charity and zakat cleanse believers from sins, purifies them and exalts them (Tawba: 9/103), fasting (Ibn Majah, Siyam, 44), which is the zakat of the body, saves people from being oppressed under the domination of the soul.

A person who fasts breaks the chains of his soul and clings to the rope of Allah. While selfish people and pushes them to loneliness, man feels better that he is a social being by holding the rope of God. During the fasting month of Ramadan, collective prayers penetrate the feeling of unity on the souls. The rich perform prayers on the same side with the poor, eat at the same table, zakat, fitrah and ransoms become a lifeline to the imbalance in income distribution.

Fasting turns into the training of will in terms of avoiding the wishes of the soul voluntarily, and training of patience in terms of enduring the boredom of hunger and thirst. The ability to have a successful period in a person's life is undoubtedly through willpower training. Weak-willed people do not succeed in life, and they do not end well in terms of other things. Because worshipping is almost entirely of a position and quality that strong-willed people can perform. At this point, fasting is effective in controlling the desires of the soul and purifying and glorifying the soul. As a matter of fact, it is noteworthy that fasting has been adopted as a way of obedience and struggle in almost all religions and cultures, albeit in different ways, in terms of expressing this fact.

With the worship of fasting, contentment enters our homes again through our door. The starving person understands the situation of the poor and the needy and better grasps the importance of being content. He can no longer waste it. The word of the Messenger of Allah, "Thought is an endless treasure (Bayhaqi, Zühd, 2/88)" echoes in the ears of the believer. A person who knows the destiny of blessings more than before increases his gratitude to Allah. He realizes that ambition leads to deprivation and conviction to mercy. The gospel of the Messenger of Allah that “the economist does not have any financial difficulties” (Ibn Abi Shayba, al-Musannef, 5/331) begins to manifest in his life.

Fasting gives people the opportunity to discipline life with iftar and sahur, tarawih prayers and other prayers.

The month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, is full of opportunities and treasures that have been placed on the path of life to take refuge in the Lord's Lord and forgiveness of his sins. One gets the opportunity to think more about the Quran. With the abundance brought by Ramadan and lifting the veil of sins over the heart and brain, man feels and understands some verses more deeply.

Fasting, as the zakat of the body, provides a great opportunity for metabolism for the removal of harmful elements accumulated in the body. In this month, when the man begins to see his body as a mysterious and harmonious combination of matter and meaning, unlike other living things, bodies are renewed, minds shine ... Our bodies will find health as if confirming the words of the Prophet, "Smû tesihhû", "fast so that you will find health". (Taberani, Mu'cemu'l-Evsat, VIII, 174; Münzirî, et-Tergîb, 2/206)

Ramadan fasting is a time period in which hopeless people foster their hopes for forgiveness. Fasting is a teacher that teaches people to be resilient against sudden difficulties. Ramadan is a month that gives our children the opportunity to learn and live their religion with pleasure… The

Messenger of Allah said that those who believe and evaluate Ramadan by waiting for its return will be forgiven. (Nasai, Iman, 21) Likewise, the Messenger of Allah, His Companions Ka'b b. Addressing Ucre: “O Ka'b! Prayer is evidence that a person is a Muslim. Fasting is a strong shield. Giving alms sweeps away sins as water extinguishes fire. O Ka'b! The flesh and bones formed by eating haram are suitable only to be in the fire. (Tirmidhi, to Fri, 79) ”he said.
There is a strong connection between understanding the wisdom of fasting and its decrees. Knowing the rules that obey the fiqh of fasting will enable us to fast in accordance with the sunnah that the Messenger of Allah left us as wisdom.


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